Junk Free Nachos

Yes, you can have your cake and eat it too! These nachos are chock full of nourishing ingredients like grass fed beef, fiber rich pinto beans, detoxifying cilantro, probiotic rich Greek yogurt, and beef tallow fried corn chips. I am doing the biggest happy dance right now because I have finally found a company making organic corn chips using beef tallow instead of seed oils!!

Seed oils have been proven to be detrimental to our health and they are so hard to avoid. Unlike traditional fats such as butter, ghee, lard, and olive oil they are pretty new to human consumption. Not only that, but they’re pretty much in every packaged item on the grocery store shelves. They’re cheap to make and unfortunately they may be causing a lot more harm than good to human health. The main reasons I avoid seed oils for my family is because the high heat in the processing of the oils causes the unsaturated fatty acids in the seeds to oxidize. Seed oils are also processed using chemicals to deodorize the oils (which have an off-putting smell once extracted.) They’re ultra processed and far from a healthy or natural choice for a cooking fat. You can read more about the problem with seed oils online or from my favorite source here.

Thank god for companies like MASA for creating an organic line of corn chips using grass fed beef tallow as their cooking fat! These chips are not only crap free— but they taste delicious too. I am so happy to find a chip that I don’t feel horrible about letting my kids eat.

We are now a family that loves nacho night even more now that we have these junk free chips as our main vehicle for serving all the other tasty ingredients.

Happy nacho eating everyone!

Junk Free Sheet Pan Nachos

PREP TIME: 15 minutes    COOK TIME: 20 minutes    SERVES: 6

  • 1 pound grass fed ground beef

  • 2 Tablespoons chili powder

  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin

  • 1/2 teaspoon unrefined salt

  • 10 ounces of MASA corn chips

  • 1 14 ounce can pinto beans, drained

  • 2 cups shredded extra sharp raw cheddar cheese

  • 1/2 cup whole milk Greek yogurt

  • pickled jalapanos (optional)

  • 1 bunch of cilantro, minced

  • Fresh lime for serving


  1. Preheat the oven to 425F and set a baking sheet to the side.

  2. In a large cast iron skillet over medium high heat add the ground beef along with the spices and salt and cook, stirring to break up the meat a bit until the meat is cooked through and no longer pink. Remove from the heat.

  3. Scatter the chips on the baking sheet and then layer the meat, beans and cheese. Bake in the oven for about 7 minutes or until the chips are golden and the cheese has melted.

  4. Remove from the oven and then dollop with the yogurt, pickled jalapeños, cilantro and lime juice.


Beet Tzatziki (AKA Best Dip Ever)


High Protein Spinach Banana Pancakes (4 ingredients!)