Kid Friendly Chicken Burrito Bowls

My favorite part about these burrito bowls is that all the toppings can be placed on the table in separate bowls and everyone can assemble their plate however their little heart desires!

For this recipe all you need is some good quality pasture raised chicken breasts and then whatever veggies/toppings your family likes. We made our bowls with sautéd bell peppers, pan roasted potatoes, pinto beans, avocado and cooked millet (rice would be a great substitute). This meal is such an easy and fun family dinner. If you’re in a dinner rut this is a great one to turn to! Jam packed with plenty of protein, fat and fiber to keep you and your kiddos blood sugar stable. I love a good meal that checks all of those important boxes.

I hope you all love this meal as much as we do. Have fun making this meal your own with your favorite burrito toppings. We served ours with our favorite seed oil free (YAY!!) tortilla chips (find them here).

Kid Friendly Chicken Burrito Bowls

PREP TIME: 10 minutes    COOK TIME: 20 minutes    SERVES: 6

  • 1 1/2 pounds boneless chicken breast, cut into small cubes

  • 2 Tablespoons taco seasoning (divided)

  • ghee or olive oil for cooking

  • 2 bell peppers, thinly sliced

  • 3-4 baby potatoes, chopped

  • 2 cups cooked pinto beans

  • 3 cups cooked millet or grain of choice

  • whole milk Greek yogurt or sour cream for serving

  • avocado for serving

  • cilantro for serving

  • salsa or hot sauce for serving


  1. Toss the cubed chicken with 1 Tablespoon of the taco seasoning. Heat a little ghee or oil in a large cast iron skillet over medium high heat a cook the chicken until no longer pink and cooked through. About 10 minutes. Remove from heat.

  2. While the chicken cooks toss your potatoes and bell peppers in the remainder of the taco seasoning and cook in two separate skillets over medium high heat until the peppers are tender and the potatoes are crisp.

  3. Divide the chicken between bowls along with cooked millet, beans, peppers, potatoes, yogurt, avocado, salsa and cilantro.


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